Tuesday, April 25, 2006

KAKAPO PARROTS - Salmonella outbreak in stitchbirds on island in Hauraki Gulf

Radio New Zealand has news of a salmonella outbreak in stitchbirds on island in Hauraki Gulf, and mentions the bacterial infection that killed three Kakapo Parrots in 2004.
Transfers of birds off a Hauraki Gulf island have been halted following an outbreak of salmonella.

A new strain of the bacteria has killed 10 rare stitchbirds, or hihi, on Tiritiri Matangi Island. The Department of Conservation says it's the first time the strain has been detected in birds in New Zealand.

A DoC spokesperson, Rolien Elliot, said planned transfers have been halted for six months, as a precaution. She said the move affects the relocation of hihi, whiteheads, kokako, bellbirds and takahe.