After a lapse of three years kakapo on Whenua Hou/Codfish Island have begun to breed again... Signs found at male track and bowl systems indicate that since early February up to 14 matings, involving 9 females have taken place. Ten nests have been found so far, and at least 26 eggs have been laid. We know at least four, perhaps five eggs are fertile and are developing - and we have yet to check the ten most recently found eggs. Further nests are expected in the next week or two!
News updates on the endangered animals visited by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine for their book and radio series "Last Chance To See". With updates on the TV series featuring Stephen Fry.
Friday, March 18, 2005
KAKAPOS - Nesting Calendar 2005
The Kakapo Recovery Programme website has recently been updated with a 2005 Nesting Calendar where we can keep track of the flurry of activity currently taking place, including projected hatching dates.