Tuesday, March 15, 2005

BAIJI DOLPHIN BELIEVED EXTINCT - Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture Reports

News over on Planet Magrathea (March 11th entry), with a short report from Jonjo, which I've humbly reproduced here (thanks Jonjo and MJ)...
Zoologist Mark Carwardine was on good form and gave a fantastic talk, filling us in on how the animals featured in Last Chance to See are surviving. Sad news is that the Yangtze River Dolphin is now believed to be extinct. He also read some extracts from the book he co-wrote with Douglas and went into detail on why they never managed to get the book published on time.
In the post-lecture auction, regular "Another Chance To See" visitor and contributor Dave Haddock won the Z88 laptop, as used by Douglas Adams to write "Last Chance To See". Dave's first report on the lecture is in discussion over at the Douglas Adams Continuum Forums.

There was also lots of memorabilia from the upcoming "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" movie in the auction.

It seems the lecture was taped from the wings, so hopefully it will turn up on the internet eventually.

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