Tuesday, November 29, 2005

SO LONG, AND THANKS - Billy Joel inspired tribute to Douglas Adams

A 2001 tribute to Douglas Adams by Mark A. Mandel. So Long, And Thanks is a rewording of the classic "For the Longest Time", and contains the following lines...
Deep Thought, dolphins, laboratory mice,
Slartibartfast's picture in the ice,
And random Scrabble
While battered sofas travel
Upstairs or take our heroes home through time.

You took us along for a drive,
Our Last Chance To See
These species alive.
And you taught us The Meaning Of Liff;
It's more than terrif-
Ic, it's simply Titanic.
It's track 12 on Billy Joel's Greatest Hits album, CD2. Amazon has a snippet you can listen to, which should help to get the tune into your head...