Friday, July 01, 2005

KOMODO DRAGONS - News round up

Here's a couple of recent Komodo Dragon related stories.

First one from the Denver Post about Castor, Denver Zoo's 11 year-old Komodo dragon stud...
[Castor] scored a little love action with the help of a small band of humans.

Beth Jo Schoeberl, the zoo's curator of primates and carnivores, joined the group just as Castor's last clutch hatched in 2003. And Schoeberl will get to help decide if he mates again.
On a somewhat more disturbing note, Washington's WTOP reports on animals deaths at the National Zoo.
Several animal deaths at the National Zoo may have been prevented. Documents obtained by WTOP Radio describe specific treatment mistakes the Zoo admits making in caring for the animals.
A lemur died from blood loss due to the hemorrhage of a blood vessel in its leg. According to a final report, the animal had pneumonia with a small infection. The memo states the animal "was probably not receiving enough medication."

A Komodo dragon died when an ovarian growth ruptured and burst a blood vessel. No ultrasound was done on the animal. The memo states the Zoo doesn't have a written protocol requiring such examinations for female Komodo dragons.