Sunday, August 13, 2006

KAKAPO PARROTS - Kakapo Encounter Video

Kakapo EncounterTVNZ has another report on the wave of interest from bird watchers around the world for the Kakapo Encounter event. Their report also includes a video with nice shots of Sirocco in his observation compound on Ulva Island.

Sirocco is one of only 86 Kakapos left in the world, and this a very rare opportunity for twitchers to see one of these endangered birds.

The event runs till October 23rd, 2006.
A joint venture between the Department of Conservation and the Ulva Island Trust allows the public a rare chance to view them.

"It's taken three years of work and negotiation. The paperwork has been incredible - this had to be approved obviously at the highest level," says Dil Belworthy of the trust.
Additionally, the New Zealand radio station Coast FM is running a Kakapo Trip Competition. I imagine its only open to New Zealand residents.

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