Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kakapo Parrots: Forest & Bird's "Bird of the Year"

New Zealand's Forest and Bird organization is currently having their 2008 "Bird of the Year" poll. Please make your vote count, and give the Kakapo Parrot the boost it needs to climb the current rankings. Polls close on the 7th of November.

1 comment:

Mosher said...

I have to confess it was only loyalty that made me tip the balance in favour of the Kakapo when I saw the list. I didn't realise how cool the birds were that they have over there.

The Tui has about the best bird call in the world (like an insane car alarm) and it's the name of a pretty good beer. The Morepork has given its name to Pratchett lore and is also a very lovely creature.

And so on. Frankly, were it not for LCTS I'd not have been able to pick one!

I'm surprised that the Kiwi itself is so low down the list so far, and that 360+ people have found an "other" to vote for. Do keep up posted on the result!