Hopefully the emergency evacuations to Kenya will go some way to saving the few wild animals, but to grab your chance to see the animals in captivity, you'll need to go to either the Zoo Dvur Králové in the Czech Republic (some great pictures in the Gallery!), or San Diego Zoo, California.
News updates on the endangered animals visited by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine for their book and radio series "Last Chance To See". With updates on the TV series featuring Stephen Fry.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
About 10 in the wild and 10 in zoos - And that's it!
Hopefully the emergency evacuations to Kenya will go some way to saving the few wild animals, but to grab your chance to see the animals in captivity, you'll need to go to either the Zoo Dvur Králové in the Czech Republic (some great pictures in the Gallery!), or San Diego Zoo, California.