Saturday, December 04, 2004

WEBSITE - ARKive Revisited

This is a re-post of an earlier article, updated with a few more GREAT links added.

Welcome to ARKive - Images of Life On Earth - Creating a lasting audio-visual record of life on Earth.

I found pages for most of the of "Last Chance To See" animals, and, joy of joys, many of them have GREAT video clips. Seeing a Kakapo wandering through the forest is WONDERFUL! Go there NOW!

Here's some helpful links...
Kakapo Parrot
Aye-Aye Lemur
Amazonian Manatee
Komodo Dragon
Rodrigues Fruitbat
Baiji Dolphin (NEW)
Mountain Gorilla (NEW)
Pink Pigeon (NEW)
Mauritius Kestrel (NEW)

Still nothing yet for the White Rhino or the Juan Fernandez Fur Seal. If you locate anything, do let me know!

1 comment:

D.B. Echo said...

I'm so glad you've started this blog! I am currently listening for the umpteenth time to my home-made audiobook of Douglas Adams reading Last Chance To See, made by pulling all the .wav files off of the LCTS CD-ROM, which I purchased in January 2000 from the late lamented Voyager company, and then converting them into .mp3 files and recording them to a disc.

I'm surprised you didn't know abour ARKive already - I think I heard about it in an early burst of publicity when it first opened. I may have also read about it in New Scientist, a magazine I might never have started reading if it hadn't gotten a mention in LCTS.

After a playing of this audiobook a few years ago, I went into a bit of an Internet search frenzy and began looking up anything related to the book - "Carl Jones", "Richard Lewis", "Baiji Beer", and so on. I found quite a few sites, some of which are still active. Someday soon I'll have to sort through them all and share them with you!

Now, if we can only convince the parties involved in the original project to create a 20th Anniversary edition boxed set containing the radio broadcasts, a footnoted and updated version of the book, Douglas's audio recordings, all the photos and video from the expedition, and maybe the results of a follow-up expedition.

It's disheartening to hear about the Northern White Rhinos, now down to their historic low of 13 and possibly just months from extinction. And the Baiji are probably all dead. Still, it's not all bad news. Again, thanks for the great site!