Monday, November 14, 2005

KAKAPO PARROTS - Taking Noah's Ark surfing

New Zealand Insight has this interesting article on the "New Zealand researcher who has just been elected to chair an international organisation working to create a free mega-database of all known living creatures."
Note to reader: this anecdote is best whispered in the tones of David Attenborough.

Here, in the urban wilds of Christchurch, it is sometimes possible to observe the nocturnal rituals of the native kiwi. The journalist and the scientist approach with caution. What are the kiwi doing? Are the kiwi fighting?

The journalist studies the scientist. 'Do you think they are having sex?'

'Yes,' he replies calmly. 'I believe they are.'
"The Department of Conservation will pour a lot of money into a single species like the kakapo, but to have effect, you've got to have the ecosystem function so the rimu trees flower. It's a whole system."