I am delighted to report that
Save The Rhino International have given me permission to use their logo on the site (see sidebar), and they would also like me to bring to your attention the 3rd Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture which is to be held on March 10th, 2005 (7.30pm) at the Royal Institution, London, W1.
This annual lecture is held in support of
Save the Rhino International and the
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. Douglas was a Patron to both charities of course.
Nicky Springthorpe, the Fundraising and Communications Manager for Save The Rhino, tells me that the 2005 lecture will be given by Mark Carwardine, so "they're all very excited about that".
Please visit their
Lectures And Talks page for more information on the 2005 lecture.
In celebration of the Life and Universe of Douglas Adams, late Founder Patron of Save the Rhino International. We host a lecture each year on (or as near as possible to) the day of Douglas's birthday to commemorate him and his achievements, on subjects that were of interest to him.
They also have a selection of
Douglas Adams Books For Sale.