Thursday, December 29, 2005

BAIJI DOLPHINS - CAS to look into white-flag dolphins in Yangtze River

The China View website Xinhua has news on a new investigation that will begin in 2006 looking for any remaining Baiji or white-flag dolphins that may remain in the river Yangtze.
China will launch a thorough investigation into white-flag dolphins in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River in 2006, according to a researcher with Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

'We will carry out the investigation using the fund offered by White-flag Dolphin Foundation based in Switzerland,' said Wang Li,a researcher from the CAS's Institute of Hydrobiology.

With close observations on the dolphins, experts will find and catch the animals to divert them into the old course of the Yangtze River section at central China's Hubei, according to Wang.